Silver City is built for the fast life morning traffic lasts for a couple hours, with very polite drivers, and very seldom do we hear a car honk their horn. Noon comes with lots of people out getting lunch and doing some shopping. while the afternoon creates most of the congestion around five to six pm. after that travel is very easy and by eight pm most everyone is home. It is my kind of place.
When we have to go on the interstate I get reminded the speed limit is above forty five so get going!
Last Sat. we had the opportunity to go to the Snowflake Temple. It is a beautiful building and has a very special spirit about it. It is located on a hill with a golf course right next to it. The town of Snowflake is I think about 6000 feet in elevation. The High desert it is, and with all the snow and rain we have received we are being told that the wild flowers and cactus will be in full bloom this spring. We are looking forward to that.
We were grateful for all the kind letters and thoughts people write to us and we are looking forward to seeing you all soon.