Humming birds, great races, bicycle races, YSA events, Zone Conference meetings, I guess we can keep some what busy. Plus we still have Institute classes, and Branch activities on the weekend the time fly's by pretty fast. This next weekend the Gila Bike race takes place it is a four day event with them riding three long races and one in town speed race, it will be going by our front door for two of those races. Remember this place is up then down or down then us except if you go south then it is just hot.
We had one Elder transfer out last week so we only have two here now. Elder Miller is teaching a sign language class and does very well.
It is getting warm up to the 90 in Deming just 50 miles to the south of us but alot lower in altitude we have been sleeping with the windows open and enjoy the cool breeze at night.
We enjoy the students here and they are very faithful in their callings. well as much as the rest of us. They are good people and a joy to be around. Many of the kids that normaly come home for the summer won't be this year cause there is no work here for them to do and they are staying where there is work.
WE also went to El Paso Tx looked around Called Rick Jr. and talked to him. Course he was at work and couldn't see us but still we were within a mile of where he was at.
Love you all. Dad
Umm, those are strange looking bikes! It looks pretty exciting though.
When did Sarah get engaged? I stumbled across her pictures on Lisa's blog. Who was supposed to make that announcement?
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