trapping the rodents of the area. Cutting down jumping cactus to carve into music batons finding I don't like the needles from them stuck in my paw, had more variety in the humming birds that came to the feeder, trapped more rodents, saw deer just outside the fence wondering how the corn would taste, fawns, trapped more rodents, picked squash, ate some cheery tomatoes , waiting for the large tomatoes, had a strawberry, watched lighting, dodged waterfalls from the sky,almost burn out new breaks coming down a steep canyon, saw an old building come down on campus and another one start up, had students graduate, new students come, friendships start between, gasp, young men and young women, finished a mission Prep class, an institute class, and have two of the members, leave on mission's. Well in August they will. Fixed some electrical problem's for a couple of members cooked dutch oven meals, fixed rusted dutch ovens, read books, listened to cd's teaching us how to teach, went to a twenty fourth of July celebration in Demming and that donesn't include all that Mom has done.
Love Dad
I like the little birdie on the fence. Nice picture!
I love your photos, especially the bird. Is there really an Onion cafe??? If so I want to come.
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