Last weekend was the first time that I have been on the water in two years. I went with a friend of mine who like's to hunt water fowl even more than I do. He has a jet boat that can run the snake river's rapids while going up stream against heavy current.
The first day was a warm thirty degrees in the afternoon that made life very nice for us to relax and enjoy the outdoors. While the ride up the river, well the ride down too, was for me kind of scary cause I was not in control of the boat nor am I an expert river runner. Good thing I wasn't in control I would have sunk us for sure.
My buddy Roger is a great friend and fun to be with. He kept calling me to come hunting with him even when he knew that I would more than likely turn him down cause of the work load I had at the time. Thanks Roger for all your calling.
We had a great time shot a few ducks, a couple of shots at geese, and just a wonderful time being out of doors.