Road trips often start around our house as unplanned, where are we going affairs, with many a surprise along the way. Last Saturday was one of those times. We had been wanting to go to the large array, where the movie "contact" took place, to see the what was there. We drove four hundred miles which is half way home and saw the large dish's while they were impressive and the visitor center informative we found much more along the way.
There is a small town called Reserve New Mexico that sits on the road to the VLA. and we arrived around Noon and of course wanted to eat. This place had two cafe's and as the saying goes the choice made all the difference in the world. We found the best Hamburger in the world a swiss Mushroom 1/2lb Hickory Smoked toasted bun that was good enough to go back for dinner to our delight.
We have been invited to go fishing a few times here, while we didn't take anybody up on the invite we had been to the "lakes" that everyone went to. While not to make lite of the water they have here those wet area's they were not "lakes" as known to the fishing world. We did in our journey a lake that was long enough and wide enough to be counted as a lake that would bring joy to any ones heart.
What surprise's we have had mountains, desert flowers, "lakes" , Cholla cactus, Yucca's and their flower's, but most of all have been the people. Those that we have met walking early morning at the track, the students and faculty at the campus during the hot dogs and More each Thursday
We will be missing these things.
See ya'll in a minute
Looks fun. Unplanned road trips are the best kind.
It's so much fun exploring and finding new places to visit. Love those road trips.
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