Sis Lowery is running most of two miles how and I can walk again I am doing two to two and a quarter in thirty to thirty five min. so I think that is pretty good for someone as old as we are.
We went to a state park Sat. It is a place that would be good in the winter but a very hot one any other time. the formations are made from old lava flows the same that made the copper deposits and places like the cat walk that I pictured here before.
we also went to a town celebration it was small but alot of people were there.
We have been low on people at church though we have had many come just at different day's.
we went to the college's football game they lost to a team from Colorado it was kind of fun to see a game live maybe we can get to the high school game. More people attend them than any others I can see why.
Also this old fort had a celebration it would have been a great place to have a Dutch Oven contest maybe we can get one going for next year.
See ya'll in a minute
Mom, you look terrific! I am impressed you are jogging. Dad, I think I will follow your lead and start walking again. My knees can't handle jogging! Great job guys. =)
Cordell and I cant wait to come and see you both. We are really looking forward to spending time with you two. Hope you can put up with us when we are there. Love Ya
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