another sunny day blue skies and 60 deg really nice today.
We had a meeting with out boss today so we are finally on track to get something going.
we are going to have either a lunch and learn or an supper and learn once each week with the conference talks on tv being the learning part with a short discussion after wards.
I think I have the high speed net going again at the Inst. so I will try and post some pictures again as the other connection didn't work so well. so if this works I'll show you the first day and the first snow storm here. The second day was a bigger storm but I didn't get any pictures of it it covered the roads made it very slick till ten or eleven and shut down most of the city.
later love Dad
It sounds like you guys are becoming very busy, busy, busy! I am glad though. Even with snow it looks like a great place! Love you!
Oh this is a fun site! And 60 degrees sound very warm. Be happy happy happy for that! It's definitely worth serving a mission for!
60 degrees! What I would give for that. It's predicted a low of -2 degrees tonight.
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