Tuesday, February 17, 2009

last night the wind blew and I fully expected to have a big storm today well it sure is nice and warm again high clouds but the sun is seeing the ground.
This week is the first week that the miners won't have any paid checks and many of the people here are getting very worried. We had a Adult Inst. class today and met some very wonderful people one young lady and served a mission in Zimbabwe in the early 2000s and one of the teachers here has a son that served in South Africa is it a small world or what.
We are still camping out in our house with camp chairs no table but its fun kind of like when we were first married. We often take for granted the things that make life easier like potato peelers bowls to mix in, spices, dutch ovens well you get the idea.
Well the things that don't kill you only make you stronger. I should be as strong as Sampson.

(picture in reference to last two sentences haha! :) )

1 comment:

Lesa said...

That is exactly what they meant!