It's monday and we have bright skies warm 60 deg temp. we had a good day on Sunday it was good to have more of the young adults come to church and also to family home evening we hold it on sundays as so many are busy with school and work the rest of the week.
Sat Sis Lowery as she is known here and I went on a little walk about the area. we went to one of the mines that have shut down for the present time and isn't to reopen untill 2011 we also went up past a place called Pinos Altos means tall pine there was still snow on the ground kind of like it would be around late march early april up home. It is also the way to some Cliff dwelling the sign said it would take two hours to get there and it closed at four pm we went by the sign at 3:45 so we didn't go to the dwellings.
We are going to have another two Elder Missionaries asigned to SC on Wed we will be greatfull for their company we sure like the other two that are here.
Oh we also saw some javelen (wild Pigs) on our trip Sat.
Here is a picture of the mine and also of cliffs in the Gila forest
This is a copper mine once owned by Kennecott of Utah.
Love Dad
Where's the snow
It looks like you guys are just have such a great time! We miss you lots!
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